We offer Employee Engagement Services to help you assess your organization’s engagement levels and develop a plan to drive your team’s performance! How would it feel to move into the next quarter committed to improving your organization? The key could be employee engagement. Research shows improving employee engagement will:

  • Reduce turnover
  • Reduce absenteeism
  • Increase productivity
  • Increase profitability
  • Increase work quality
  • Improve employee satisfaction

Yes, it is that powerful! Let us help you develop a plan to drive your team’s performance using the world’s leading employee engagement tool.

Did you know that 70% of employees are not engaged at work? Or that 8 0ut of 10 managers are not motivating to work for? 

Gallup’s Q12 Employee Engagement Survey is a tool, with 30 years of data, that provides actionable strategies to improve employee engagement in your organization. The survey measures twelve core elements that link key business outcomes and best predict employee performance.


Our methodology for this service will include the following three phrases:

• Phase One: Survey Administration & Analysis

Design and administer the Q12 through Gallup to all employees; design and host focus groups for additional insight from employees; analyze engagement data from Q12 and focus groups; host sessions to share analysis of Q12 data and discuss future planning.

• Phase Two: Impact Planning

Conduct a full-day, in-person retreat (one, 7.5-hour session) with senior leaders and other invited team/board members.

• Phase Three: Ongoing Process Support

Team session to finalize engagement plan; three quarterly sessions to ensure process success and guide process improvements as needed.

Throughout this process, we promise to deliver employee engagement data, a plan for improvement, and implementation support.

Contact Us to Learn More or Get Started