Our Organizational Assessments are an excellent method to take a figurative step back and evaluate how your organization operates as a whole. The purpose of our organizational assessments is to evaluate the potential of employees for growth and development within your organization. When conducting the assessment, we will identify strengths and weaknesses within your organization and utilize that previously untapped potential for your development!
Our Two Organizational Assessment Services
Organizational Assessment:
This service will provide a comprehensive organizational assessment report (CCAT) as well as a debrief of results with the identification of capacity-building priorities.
Our Process: This process includes communication with the Executive Director and Board President to reach a consensus about the scope of work, timeline, and strategic formation of the organization’s Assessment Team; the review of relevant background documents, including prior organizational assessments; facilitation of organizational assessment for select staff and board members; assessment report that includes lifecycle placement, focus areas, core capacities, assessment of organizational culture, and priorities for capacity building; communication with the client to debrief assessment results.
Organizational Assessment Capacity-Building Action Plan from Assessment Results:
This service will provide a comprehensive organizational assessment report (CCAT), a customized capacity-building action plan, and technical support to ensure the capacity-building action plan is effectively implemented.
Our Process: This process includes all components listed above in the Organizational Assessment process, in addition to the following: design and facilitation of two 2.5-hour planning sessions with select staff and board to develop a capacity-building action plan; plan implementation support; ongoing follow-up support to ensure effective plan implementation.